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When washing and drying your hair with extensions there are a few things you need to keep in mind to preserve the hair and get the most out of your extensions.

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Make sure you are washing your hair in an upright position in the shower and not over a sink because this can cause the extensions to tangle.


Always go straight down the hair with both shampoo and conditioner. 


Make sure to use sulfate free shampoo only. My recommendation is to buy good quality shampoo (my favourite is Matrix for extensions smells salon fresh and works wonders)


Make sure to rinse your hair out very well, but be gentle near the bonds or wefts as to not get them matted and tangled. Get in there though and scrub your scalp to prevent shampoo from getting stuck.


Always use a good conditioner preferably one meant for extensions. Do not put the conditioner near the bonds or beads though as this will cause the extensions to slip. Make sure to rinse out very well.



Make sure to always use a heat protection spray for your hair before you blow-dry. This will protect the hair from the damage of heat and styling tools.


When drying your hair, it is best to try and do it in sections because you will have a lot of hair.


Make sure you dry the bonds very well so it doesn’t cause them to slip.


Use the cool setting directly on the bonds DO NOT use high heat. I’ve personally gone between cold and the middle (warmish setting) and have dried them perfectly fine. The reason is any heat can cause the bonds to wear down over time which can cause the extensions to not last as long as they should.


Make sure your hair is perfectly dry before you go to bed. It is best to not leave the hair wet to preserve both the hair and prevent tangling/ matting. Don't leave them to fully air dry on their own either.



Make sure you get a good extension detangling brush and try and brush your hair often during the day. Be very careful near the bonds so you don’t get the brush stuck or pull them. Make sure to hold your hair in the middle when brushing the ends.

Always be careful when brushing wet hair. Try and be as gentle as possible and use a wide tooth comb or detangling brush.

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